On January
9, 2013 economist and Nobel Prize recipient James Buchanan passed away.
Buchanan was best known for pioneering ‘public choice theory’ in modern
political economy. Buchanan developed what we call the ‘benevolence’ critique
of government: regardless of the knowledge that government has when crafting
policy, there is no reason we should expect them to be any more benevolent than
ordinary economic actors interested in satisfying their own wants. Buchanan’s
idea is not complex; in fact, I once heard that after winning the Nobel,
Buchanan told a reporter that his main idea is that in government you ‘don’t
let the fox guard the chicken coop.’
Buchanan’s first insight might seem relatively simple, the implications of his
work are profound; especially given our current fiscal crisis. The U.S is in
its fourth year of trillion dollar plus deficits, and we are due for yet another
debt ceiling increase. The debate about our fiscal and spending problems
extends beyond the halls of congress. These debates cause uncertainty that
leads to stalled investment, hardened partisan lines and ultimately an erosion
of government legitimacy.
columns and television commentators look at this re-occurring problem and call
it a lack of leadership, but students of Buchanan might not be so quick to
agree. Once we internalize that
politicians are vote maximizes and respond to the incentives surrounding them,
just like non-politicians, it’s easier to understand why government spending
seems to be an ever-present headline.
receive praise directly from their constituents for spending money. Sometimes
that praise of from the elderly who wanted extended Medicare/Medicaid benefits.
Sometimes that praise is from a local government contractor who happens to live
in that congressman’s district. However, once the bill comes due for all the
spending there is no one person to blame for the large deficit we are all
responsible for. Because politicians are insulated from the negative
consequences of spending, yet not insulated from the votes that spending could
get them, they have an incentive to overspend; they do just that- regardless of
political party affiliation.
Calls for
more bipartisan collaboration and stronger ‘leadership’ are not bad things to
demand, they’re just empty. Napoleon Bonaparte said that leaders “define
reality and give hope.” Buchanan helped
us understand reality- government spending is a systematic problem, not a lack
of leadership. Hope for eliminating the next series of government spending
related crisis requires changes the incentives that politicians face.
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